Montag, 27. Oktober 2014, 10:00 - Montag, 3. November 2014, 17:00 Ausstellung mit Bildern aus China und Japan von Toby Marshall: „What catches my eye ‒A Cameraman’s impressions of China and Japan“
I use my camera as a meditation. Whenever I can, I throw my camera over my shoulder, choose a location in which to walk, clear my mind of daily concerns and simply observe, being open to visual elements that strike me. Sometimes it is some action or situation that catches my eye, but often too it is simply a „found“ scene along the way, whose elements come together in some way that create a feeling inside of me.
Then I use different camera techniques to try to capture that feeling in an image. Sometimes a simple straight photograph is enough, but in other situations I use special techniques such as HDR (high dynamic range imaging) or slow shutter pans in order to capture the essence of the scene. Here is my photographer’s notebook, shot in Japan and China, of scenes that caught my eye.
Toby Marshall is a still and video photographer. For the past two decades he has worked as a cameraman and editor for ZDF TV throughout Asia, being based in both China and Japan.
Die Ausstellungseröffnung findet am Mittwoch, den 29.10. um 20 Uhr nach dem Vortrag bei einem kleinen Umtrunk statt.
A small reception will be held after Toby Marshall’s lecture (in English) on WEDNESDAY, October 29 at 8pm
Vortrag / Lecture:
Wann? Mittwoch, den 29. Oktober 2014, 18.30-20.00 Uhr
When? Wednesday, October 29, 6.30-8pm
Wo? OAG-Bibliothek, im 4. Stock des OAG-Hauses
Where? OAG Library, 4th floor of the OAG-Haus / Deutsches Kulturzentrum
Wieviel? Eintritt frei
How much? Free of charge
Ausstellung / Exhibition:
Wann? Montag, den 27. Oktober bis Montag (!), den 3.11. (jp. Feiertag), täglich von 10.00 bis 20.00 Uhr, am letzten Tag bis 17 Uhr
When? Monday, October 27 to Monday, November 3 (Japanese National Holiday), 10am to 8pm daily; till 5pm on November 3