Samstag, 4. Dezember 2010, 13:00–20:30 International Symposium: Mutual Perceptions in Japanese-German Relations: Images, Imaginings, and Stereotypes, Part I
Aims of the Conference
This conference, which is part of a three-year research project (organized by Sven Saaler, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research Project no. 20320116) aims at exploring the development of mutual perceptions in Japanese-German relations and analyzing the influence of the visual imagery on the bilateral relationship between the two countries. Japanese-German relations had their beginnings in the Eulenburg mission to Japan in 1860/61 and will soon be able to look back on a history spanning 150 years. The history of the relationship between these two major countries has been receiving increasing attention in academic research as well as in the public arena, with new interpretations and assessments emerging. However, previous research has focused strongly on diplomatic and economic relations between Japan and Germany. This project proposes studying the relationship from the perspective of „mutual images“ – analyzing Japanese-German relations from the angle of mutual perceptions, with emphasis on the investigation of visual sources.
In historical studies, visual sources have achieved considerable prominence in recent years, and some scholars have even proclaimed a „visual turn“ in the humanities. In particular, „images of the other“, which have been strongly influenced by visual media, stand at the center of this approach; increasingly, studies of international relations are also making use of this methodology. Attempts to improve a country’s image abroad are still considered a high priority by many national governments; and, for many people today, images of „others“ are still defined in terms of „national“ perceptions and stereotypes. In many ways, directly or indirectly, the images of „others“ and of „other countries“ communicated by the media influence bilateral relations. Sometimes, these images and perceptions – or misperceptions – are even responsible for international incidents and tensions.
Against this background, this conference proposes exploring the development of this mutual image-making in modern Japanese-German relations, from their beginnings until the present; the processes underlying the visualization of these images; and the changes such images have undergone, as well as key determining factors in the national and international framework.
Program flyer: Nichidoku__kankeishi__flyer
4 December 2010 (Sat)
13:00 – 13:30 Opening of the Conference
Karin Yamaguchi (OAG)
Sven Saaler (Sophia University)
Volker Stanzel (Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Japan): Nippon, Old or New? Political Visions of Bakumatsu Japan ( Nippon_Old_or_New)
13:30 – 15:30
Panel I: Japanese-German Images During the Early Stages of Nation-Building, 1860-1880 (Chair: Sven Saaler, Sophia University)
1. Fukuoka Mariko (The University of Tokyo): Prussia or North-Germany? Germany-related Knowledge and the Prussian-Japanese Treaty-Negotiations in 1860-61
2. Sebastian Dobson (Independent Researcher): Framing Japan at the Plum Blossom Mansion: A Photographic Episode from the Prussian East Asian Expedition of 1860-61
3. Suzuki Naoko (Yamanashi Prefectural University): Japanese-German Perceptions in the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. With special reference to the experiences of the Eulenburg Mission and the Japanese missions to the West
4. Hakoishi Hiroshi (The University of Tokyo): The Image of Prussia in Japanese Media during the Boshin Civil War, 1868/69
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 18:00
Panel II: The Meiji Era as a „Golden Era“ in Japanese-German Relations? (Chair: Takii Kazuhirio, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
5. Katō Yōko (The University of Tokyo): The Japanese Imperial Army’s Image of Germany during the Meiji Period
6. Heinrich Menkhaus (Meiji University): Japan Images of German Law Experts in Meiji Japan
7. Rolf-Harald Wippich (Sophia University): The Japanese in the Cartoonist’s View: Kladderadatsch and Simplicissimus in Imperial Germany
8. Peter Pantzer (Prof. emer. Bonn University): Japan in German and Austrian Collectors’ Postcards, 1880-1914
9. Kudō Akira (Prof. emer. The University of Tokyo): The First World War and Perceptions of „Total War“ in Japan
18:30 – 20:30 Reception
5 December 2010 (Sun)
10:00 – 12:00
Panel III: From the 1920s to the 1930s: The Re-Affirmation of a „Spiritual Bond“? (Chair: Ishida Yūji, The University of Tokyo)
10. Nakamura Ayano (Ochanomizu University): Multiple images of the German Community in Japan seen through the Japanese Police Records—From Mentor to Spy, from Ally to Adversary
11. Tajima Nobuo (Seijō University): The Japan Image of the Elite in Nazi Germany
12. Tano Daisuke (Kōnan University): The „Strength through Joy“ (KdF) in Japan
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:00
Panel IV: War Propaganda and Beautification of Japanese-German Relationship(s), 1933-1945 (Chair: Christian W. Spang, Tsukuba University)
13. Hans-Joachim Bieber (Prof. emer. Kassel University): Images of German-Japanese similarities and affinities in National-Socialist Germany
14. Gerhard Krebs (Independent Researcher): Japanese Heroism in German Perspective during the Nazi Era
15. Danny Orbach (Harvard University): Colonialism through the mirror: Japan in the eyes of the SS and the National-Conservative German Resistance
16. Michael Baskett (University of Kansas): Guaranteed Enlightenment? Charting Japanese/German Cinematic Representations
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:30
Panel V: Postwar Japanese-German Perceptions: Overcoming or Re-Affirming the Past? (Chair: to be announced)
17. Kawakita Atsuko (Osaka University): Postwar Japanese-German Relations: Reconsidering Images of the „Self“ and the „Other“ in Discussions about the Past
18. Satō Takumi (Kyōto University): Consumption of Nazi-Images in Postwar Japanese Subculture
19. Matthew Penney (Concordia University): From Tank Treds to Garter Belts—Nazi Pop, Media Forms, and Critical Moments in Japan
20. Iwasa Takurō (Osaka University of Economics): German and €pean Academic Images of Japan since the 1970s
17.30 Closing Remarks
Sven Saaler (Sophia University)
Nakai Akio (Professor emeritus, Sophia University)
Wolfgang Thierse (Vice-President of the German Bundestag)
This conferance is jointly organised by:
Sophia University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (OAG)
With kind support by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES),
Goethe-Institut Tokyo and
the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
日独関係史における相互認識:想像、イメージ、ステレオタイプ, 第1部
プログラム情報: Nichidoku__kankeishi__flyer
13:00 – 13:30 開会挨拶
Karin Yamaguchi (OAG – ドイツ東洋文化研究協会)
Sven Saaler (上智大学)
Volker Stanzel ( 駐日ドイツ連邦共和国大使): 「『維新』とは復古か革命か ー 幕末 思想における政治的将来構想」
13:30 – 15:30 パネルI: 国家建設の初期段階における日独相互イメージ(1860-1880)
司会: Sven Saaler (上智大学)
1. 福岡万里子(東京大学):プロイセンか北ドイツか? 幕末のドイツ知識と日本=プロイセン条約交渉
2. Sebastian Dobson: 梅花屋での「日本画策」:プロイセン東アジア遠征団(1860-61)からの写真史上のエピソード
3. 鈴木楠緒子(神奈川大学): 19世紀第三四半期に於ける日独相互イメージの形成―オイレンブルク使節団と遣欧使節団の経験を中心に
4. 箱石大(東京大学):戊辰戦争期の日本におけるプロイセンのイメージ
15:30 – 15:45 休憩
15:45 – 18:15 パネルII: 明治期は日独関係の「黄金時代」か?
司会: 瀧井一博(国際日本文化研究センター)
5. 加藤陽子(東京大学): 明治期における日本陸軍のドイツ観
6. Heinrich Menkhaus(明治大学):明治期におけるドイツ法律家の日本観
7. Rolf-Harald-Wippich(上智大学):風刺画家から観た日本:帝政ドイツにおける『クラッデラダッチュ』と『シンプリチッシムス』の日本観
8. Peter Pantzer (ボン大学名誉教授): ドイツとオーストリアの絵葉書に観る日本
9. 工藤章(東京大学名誉教授):第1次世界大戦と日本における「総力戦」認識
18:30 – 20:30 レセプション
Sven Saaler (上智大学)
Wolfgang Thierse (ドイツ連邦議会副議長)