Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015, 18:30–20:00 The First 100 Years of Japanese Porcelain ‒Imari ware in the Kakiemon and Kinrande Styles (Led by Alice Gordenker)
On Wednesday evening Dec. 9 at 6:30 pm, OAG will make an excursion to the Toguri Museum of Art in Shoto, Shibuya to learn about Japanese porcelain. The museum will be closed to other visitors, so we will have the pleasure of a private viewing, including a guided tour of the current „Imari ware in the Kakiemon and Kinrande Styles“, given in English by Alice Gordenker, arts writer for The Japan Times. She will give a brief introductory lecture about the history of Japanese porcelain, and then guide us through the exhibition.

This show focuses on the time when Japan was just beginning to export to €pe, in the middle of the 17th century; some of the designs we will see were later copied by Meissen and other €pean porcelain manufactories. After, we will have a special opportunity to view, touch and photograph 17th and 18th century porcelain from the museum’s collection. There is much to be learned by actually feeling the works, so this is an opportunity not to be missed, whether you are a connoisseur or completely new to porcelain!
Members who have joined other OAG events with Ms. Gordenker know that her tours are very informative and enjoyable, and her enthusiasm for learning about Japan is infectious.
Further information:

Einen Ausführlichen Bericht über diese Exkursion finden Sie hier:
Toguri Kunstmuseum (戸栗美術館) (Teil 2)
– Japanisches Porzellan vom Feinsten – Imari Ware
Meisterstücke des Kakiemon- und Kinrande-Stils (柿右衛門・古伊万里金襴手展)