Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022, 18:00–19:30 „Diversity in Science – How to promote Environments of Inclusion & Empowerment in Japan” in the context of the Exhibition „Fascination of Science”
Innovation thrives on diversity. Which questions we ask in science and how we address them is heavily influenced by our personal and social background. Engaging people from different backgrounds – such as gender, nationality or age – is important to broaden the scope of questions and generate new insights.
Japan faces great challenges when it comes to diversity: In the Gender Gap Report Japan ranks last among the G7, a scientific career has become unattractive for many young researchers, and during the pandemic the number of international students dropped to a minimum due to closed borders.
However, as the government is carefully beginning to re-open borders and discusses new financial support for PhD students, times could be changing. What can universities do to promote inclusion and empowerment to create an environment where diversity and innovation truly thrive? This question will be addressed in a panel discussion organized by DWIH Tokyo and OAG on Oct 19.
Axel Karpenstein, Director, DAAD Regional Office Tokyo
Stefan Speidel, Exhibition Organiser, OAG
Keynote: Prof. Dr. Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President “Diversity and Global Affairs“, The University of Tokyo
Panel Discussion
Chair: Dr. Nora Kottmann, Principal Researcher and Head of Research Group „Methods and Methodologies“,
German Institute for Japanese Studies
Prof. Dr. Yuko Harayama, former Executive Director at RIKEN in charge of international affairs, promotion of young researchers, and diversity
Prof. Dr. Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President “Diversity and Global Affairs“, The University of Tokyo
Axel Karpenstein, Director, DAAD Regional Office Tokyo
Herlinde Koelbl, Photographer & Artist, Creator of the project “Faszination Wissenschaft”
Dr. Nami Sakai, Chief Scientist, Director of Star and Planet Formation Laboratory RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research
Organized by DWIH Tokyo (Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus Tokyo) and OAG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens)
Managed by DAAD
Supported by German Federal Foreign Office
Anmeldung für die Teilnahme in Präsenz unbedingt erforderlich bis zum 15.10. über diesen Link
Der Platz im Saal ist auf 100 Personen beschränkt.
Anmeldung für die Online-Teilnahme bis zum 18. Oktober über diesen Link:
Diese Podiumsdiskussion ist Teil des Rahmenprogramms anlässlich der Ausstellung „Faszination Wissenschaft“ der deutschen Fotografin Herlinde Koelbl. Die Ausstellung ist vom 18. bis 23. Oktober im Foyer des OAG-Hauses zu sehen, die Informationen sind auf Japanisch, Englisch und Deutsch verfügbar. Eintritt frei.