Mittwoch, 16. September 2015, 18:30–20:00 Special lecture (DIJ / OAG Joint Event) Kan Naoto (Former Prime Minister of Japan) 福島原発事故の真実 [The truth about the Fukushima nuclear disaster]


Naoto Kan had to cope with the Fukushima nuclear accident during his term as Prime Minister of Japan. What did really happen during and after this unprecedented disaster in Japan’s post-war history? After his resignation as Prime Minister, Naoto Kan has given his personal account of the accident on many occasions and continues to work towards a nuclear free Japan. In his speech he will talk about his experience of one of the most dramatic events in Japanese history and certainly the most challenging for any head of government. He will also give insights about the current discussion on nuclear energy in Japan.

菅直人Naoto Kan
民主党 衆議院議員、1980年衆議院当選。2010年6月~2011年9月 内閣総理大臣。
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), since 1980 member of the House of Representatives, was Prime Minister of Japan from June 2010 to September 2011.

フランク・レーベンカンプ Frank Rövekamp

East Asia Institute, Ludwigshafen University, who has translated the Fukushima memoirs of Naoto Kan, will introduce the speaker and moderate the discussion.

The presentation will be given in Japanese with simultaneous English translation.
It will take place at OAG Haus (map:
No more seats available!
It will not be possible to participate without reservation.

Info: Plakat_Kan_Sept.2015-1_

Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien (DIJ)
German Institute for Japanese Studies
Tel: 03-3222-5198, Fax: 03-3222-5420

OAG Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens
OAG-Haus, 7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo-to 107-0052

Kan Naotos Buch Toden Fukushima GenpaTsujiko. Soridaijin toshite kangaetakoto,
das von Frank Roevekamp ins Deutsche übersetzt wurde und unter dem Titel:
„Als Premierminister während der Fukushima-Krise“ (165 S.) 2015 im Iudicium-Verlag erschienen ist,
wird an dem Abend zum Sonderpreis von 1.200 ¥ käuflich zu erwerben sein.